CHevaunne Shine | Birthday Gratitude | Canadian babe turned naija wife

What I’m grateful for on my birthday

It’s my birthday!! And I am so grateful on my birthday to have more reasons to celebrate. Last year was so phenomenal and this year my expectations are high to do more and be more.

Last year I shared my top 3 lessons I learned over the last few years and the things I have to unlearn for the next phase of my life. This year, I want to share the top 3 things I am grateful for.

I’m grateful for the unfailing love of God on my birthday!

He has always been so faithful, loving and kind. I really couldn’t have come this far without his grace and mercy. I started last year with the hope that He could even still love me after I’ve been a little low-key for the past few years. But He immediately reminded me that He is always with me. And with His word I was able to stand and move on to do what He has called me to do.

I’m grateful for my strong steadfast husband on my birthday!

Ladies, there is so much advice out there for how to choose a mate and the truth is to each is own. For me, my cool and calm husband is such a perfect fit for me. When I have the tendency to be overdramatic, he will quickly pull me in. Sometimes we can be the cause of our own issues, especially when we are emotional but a spouse that is emotionally stable makes it easier to live a purposeful life.

I’m grateful for all of you on my birthday!

You all add so much beauty and color to my life. Thank you for showing me so much love. There have been times when I wonder if I really need to be on social media the way I am… but then someone comes up to me and says, “i miss your content”, “How come you’ve not posted in so long.” Thank you for the constant encouragement.

So as much as I’m celebrating me… I’m also celebrating you. So if you see me… Let’s take a picture together!! Post it! Tag me and I will repost.

Here are some of my favs!

Chevaunne Shine | Canadian Babe Turned Naija Wife

 Jesus, Faith, Hope, Love, Joy, Peace, Truth, Prayer, Grace, Life, Glory, Christianity, Christian Lifestyle Vlog, Christian Lifestyle, Christian Vlog, Leap of Faith, Life Changing, Upgrade my life, Change my life, Big move, Big Change, Fearless, Unstoppable Faith, working miracles, Miracle Worker, Reality, exposed, expat, storytime, lagos living, Lagos Nigeria, Day in the life


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