When I moved to Nigeria, I knew that things were going to change. I’d have to change money, change my career, change my last name…BUT THIS!?!?! I never expected that living in Nigeria would change my whole body chemistry. I am sweating like I’ve never sweat before!
How do you manage all this heat? How do you manage water pouring down your neck and your back? Sweat messing up your clothes and your makeup. Here you are looking cute and your armpits are sweating or you got under boob sweat and its all showing up on your outfit!
And what about the smell? Have we become nose blind to the smell? I never wore perfume in Canada. I only wore fruity body sprays from Body Works. Suddenly, I’m so concerned that I might be smelling so I’ve racked up this huge perfume collection. Here are some of my favs:
- Daisy by Marc Jacobs. This was a gift from my manager. It is beautifully floral and light. I love it so much.
- Obsession Night by Calvin Klein. This was also a gift from my bestie. I also find it to be a light earthy scent.
- Icon by RIGGS. I think it’s a local brand. It has a deep musky smell that I just love.

And then, what does it mean that people keep gifting me perfume or asking me if I want to buy perfume? Do I smell bad? I once read an article (watched a tiktok video) that said that people from North America smell like sour milk!?! Since our diet is so high in dairy products, we now ooze it from our pores?!? Please tell me it’s not true. I don’t wanna smell like sour milk.
Then… How often are we doing laundry? In Canada, I could wear a item of clothing a few times before it needed to go and wash. Now, it’s once and it lands in the laundry bin. I feel like I am always needing to do laundry. When the sweat and dust mix together on your clothes, you just can’t wear it again. It must be washed. Ladies, can we talk about the big bra debate we had a few years ago. How often do you wash your bras? I need to hear from my ladies that live in Nigeria and my sisters that live in Canada. Let me know in the comments.