Chevaunne Shine | Canadian babe turned naija wife | Am i priviliged

Am I privileged?

We just concluded a glorious camp meeting with our man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.  It was a four day, all-night program.  I’m still trying to catch up on my sleep.  One of my colleagues went from the program straight to work then to the program.  I was astounded.  After day 1, I had to sleep for the whole next day and I ended up missing day 2.  I was trying to ask him how he manages to keep this schedule, because he does it often.  He responded that sleep is a luxury.  When he said that, it hit me.  Am I privileged to be able to ensure I get a full night’s sleep?

You see, I thought I was simply married to an early-bird.  Someone who just happens to like to wake up early in the morning.  I have learned that this is not the case.  Living in Nigeria, you have to wake up early.  You are either waking up to cook or take care of the kids or head to work.  Everybody is an early bird in Nigeria.  

Can I confess something? I often wake up closer to 10am.  As I got older I noticed that I need a full 8 hours of sleep in order for my brain to be fully functional and alert.  Otherwise, I forget easily, I’m groggy and I’m easily agitated. It was also my secret to losing over 60 lbs in 2018.  But when my colleague said it’s a luxury to sleep the way I sleep.  I had to really sit and consider what he was saying.

Those that “don’t sleep” are the hustlers; those that are trying to get money by any means necessary so they can meet up with their financial obligations.  I have to admit.  I’ve always been comfortable.  I’ve never had to hustle. Is that privilege? Or is that me living within my means? 

Talk to me in the comments.  Am I privileged?


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